Freedom from Sugar Cravings {How to Cut Out Sugar}


Are craving sugar and want to be free from sugar cravings? Wondering how you can cut sugar out of your diet, so you can feel better? Today, I chatted with Netta and she shared how she went from a sugar queen to completely sugar-free.  And she shares how much her health improved when she made the switch.

We touch on:

  • Benefits of decreasing or eliminating sugar

  • Sugar causes inflammation

  • Different types of sugar

  • What is added sugar

  • What to do about sugar cravings

  • The impact of emotions on sugar cravings

 Listen to the full podcast episode here 👇 

Today, I'm excited to share with you the inspiring journey of Netta, who found freedom from her sugar cravings and discovered the joyful side of being sugar-free.

Maybe you're wondering is it even possible to cut sugar out and be happy. How can you even go about this?

Netta's transformation is a powerful example of the life-changing impact that cutting out sugar can have. Not only is her body so healthy, but she feels so much better. And once she stood firm in her decision her cravings dropped and it just became easy.

Here's a glimpse into her remarkable story and the benefits she has experienced on this transformative journey.


Netta’s Journey with Sugar Addiction

Netta's journey unveils a profound relationship with sugar. Until the age of 45, she indulged in sweets with abandon, earning the title of the "dessert queen" among her peers. Chocolate was her ultimate weakness, a source of solace during moments of joy or distress.

Despite experiencing digestive issues in her early thirties and grappling with other health and mental challenges, Nett never attributed them to her sugar-laden diet. To her, chocolate and sugar were sources of comfort, not concern.

However, as she entered her mid-forties, her digestive troubles escalated to alarming levels. With discomfort and toxicity mounting due to infrequent bowel movements, a suggestion was made: cut out sugar, flour, and sweeteners. Initially resistant, Nett couldn't fathom life without her beloved treats.

Her resistance persisted, but so did her health issues. No matter how hard she fought against change, the status quo remained unchanged, or worsened. Netta's journey reflects the struggle and eventual reckoning with the consequences of her sweet indulgences.

At one point, Netta had a pivotal moment of self-reflection. She realized that she could endure anything for a short period. Thus, she embarked on a two-week experiment: no sugar, no flour, no sweeteners. Despite initial skepticism, she drew on her past experiences, believing that she could tackle this challenge.

With determination, Netta embraced the experiment. Little did she anticipate the profound impact those two weeks would have on her journey.

Netta’s Benefits of Going Sugar Free

Some of the main benefits she saw, both for herself and for the people she assisted who have gone sugar free, included increased energy levels. It wasn't about running marathons but rather waking up in the morning with enthusiasm and maintaining stable energy throughout the day until bedtime. Even in her fifties, she is able to keep going from early morning until late at night without slowing down.

She also experienced effortless weight loss, noticing her spare tire and love handles melting away. Additionally, her inflammation decreased significantly, even resolving minor issues like athlete's foot. Headaches, which used to occur frequently, became rare occurrences, and joint pain was a thing of the past. Her movements became more flexible, and she noticed improvements in her skin and hair as well.

On the blog: Goodbye Sugar Cravings {Hello Healthy Weight Loss}

Understanding Sugar Cravings

Netta said the reason why she resisted cutting sugar for so long was partly due to her fear of cravings. She was genuinely scared that if she eliminated all those sugary foods, she'd be overwhelmed by intense cravings. However, something unexpected happened when she committed to cutting out sweet tastes for those initial two weeks. While she can't say it will be the same for everyone, for her, it was a game-changer. Allowing her taste buds to adjust to less sweetness turned out to be what saved her from the worst of the cravings.

Sure, those first few days were tough. Everything seemed to taste blah and unappealing. But she had to remind herself that it was just a temporary adjustment period. She told herself, "You can handle a few days of things not tasting that great, Netta." And you know what? It paid off. As the days went by, her taste buds started to adapt to the new normal, and the cravings became more manageable.

It was a revelation to see how quickly her body adjusted to the reduced sweetness. By giving herself the chance to experience flavors without the overpowering sweetness of sugar, she found that she didn't crave it as much as she thought she would. It was like breaking free from a cycle she never thought she could escape. So, while it might not be easy at first, giving your taste buds a chance to recalibrate can make a world of difference in overcoming sugar cravings.

Emotional and Physical Factors Contributing to Sugar Cravings

Yeah, I don't think folks realize how much sugar and food can mess with our bodies. I like that you mentioned the emotional aspect too. I found myself using food to suppress emotions, to avoid feeling things, and it definitely came with digestive issues, like being constipated. A lot of people overlook how closely connected our food choices are to our digestive health.

Netta shared that her cravings really didn't last that long, taste-wise. Emotionally, that was a different question. She often says that the brain is slower than the body. It catches up more slowly. So the memories of the sweet foods, the associations that she made of, in this context, she's always eaten this sweet food. Right? That was a lot, lot slower for her to get used to and to work through. She had to find other coping skills for her emotions, which she's still working on, eight and a half years down the line. And that's not a one and done deal.

She had to find other ways to enjoy life, have fun, celebrate, reward herself, which she'd always done with sugar or chocolate. So she had to find alternatives. And so she had to basically grow up. It's how she sees it.

On the Blog: Why am I Craving Sweets All of the Sudden {Stop Sugar Cravings}

Gradual Reduction vs. Cold Turkey Approach for Cutting Out Sugar

For some, the idea of eliminating sugar entirely seems daunting, while others find it liberating and empowering.

One key aspect is the concept of being a moderator versus an abstainer, as coined by Gretchen Rubin. Moderators prefer gradual reduction and may find success in gradually decreasing their sugar intake to a comfortable level. On the other hand, abstainers, like Netta herself, thrive on a clear-cut approach of complete elimination. For them, the absence of sugar, particularly added sugars, offers a sense of freedom from its hold.

In her work with clients, Netta recognizes the value of having clear boundaries when it comes to dietary choices. Whether it's eliminating sugar entirely or allowing moderate consumption, the focus is on supporting the body's optimal functioning and overall well-being.

However, Netta also acknowledges that individual responses to sugar vary. While some may thrive on a sugar-free diet, others may find balance with occasional indulgences. It's essential to tune into both mental and physical cues, observing how the body responds to different forms of sugar. Understanding one's unique relationship with sugar and its various sources can help individuals make informed decisions about their dietary choices and overall health.

On the blog: 5 Powerful Tips for Beating Sugar Cravings {Banish Sugar Cravings for Good}

Rediscovering Natural Sweetness

When you decide to cut back on sugar, something amazing happens: your taste buds undergo a transformation. Reflecting on my own experience and that of my clients, I've noticed the profound shift in taste preferences that occurs when sugar intake is reduced or eliminated. No longer accustomed to the intense sweetness of sugary treats, I found that my taste buds became more attuned to subtler flavors and textures.

For me and many others, the transition away from super sweet foods is a notable aspect of this change. What once seemed irresistible now appears overly sweet. This evolution in taste preferences isn't just anecdotal; it's rooted in the physiological adaptation of taste receptors. As my palate adjusted to a lower intake of sugar and artificial sweeteners, it became more sensitive to the natural sweetness found in whole foods like fruits and vegetables.

A recent client serves as an example of this phenomenon. Accustomed to yogurt sweetened with added sugars, she embarked on a journey to reduce sugar intake and combat insulin resistance. Together, we discovered the versatility of plain yogurt as a base for nutritious and flavorful combinations. By incorporating fresh berries, nuts, seeds, and other wholesome ingredients, she not only diversified her palate but also reclaimed control over her health.

The process of recalibrating taste buds extends beyond mere dietary preferences; it represents a fundamental shift in lifestyle and mindset. By embracing whole, minimally processed foods and reducing reliance on added sugars, individuals like me empower ourselves to make healthier choices and savor the natural flavors of nourishing ingredients. As taste buds adapt and cravings subside, the journey towards improved health becomes both satisfying and sustainable.

Identifying Triggers and Patterns for Sugar Cravings

Understanding the multifaceted nature of sugar cravings is so important. The emotional component is often the toughest hurdle for many individuals, as you rightly pointed out. This is precisely where my focus lies when working with clients – untangling the web of associations and triggers tied to cravings.

Through our conversations, we uncover the intricate patterns and connections surrounding sugar cravings. Whether it's the customary cake at birthday celebrations or the nostalgia associated with grandma's pie, these scenarios evoke a strong desire for sugary indulgences. Initially, resisting these urges can feel like a battle against oneself.

Yet, by refocusing on what truly nourishes us and striving for the emotional states we desire, we begin to navigate through these challenging emotions. It's a continual process, not a quick fix. We persistently invest in our health and well-being, embracing the complexities of life's journey.

Connect with Netta:


Mentioned in this episode: 

👉 My Favorite Fish Oil & Omega Test: Finding the perfect balance of omegas is key for healthy cells and reducing inflammation. Learn how to find out your ratio and check out my favorite supplement!


Related episode:

#72 | Breaking the Sugar Cycle: Managing Sugar Cravings and Fostering Gut Health {Health Coaching Call}

#53 | Slaying Sugar & Simplifying Meal Planning: Goodbye Overwhelm {Healthy Life Jumpstart Call with Chastity}


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👉  My Favorite Multivitamin + Immune System Support: Check out the Xtend+ here and the Xtend here.

The Xtend+ contains no synthetic vitamins, which makes it a little more pricey.  Both provide the same immune system support, that I have been so happy with!  We use both in our family!


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My favorites are the green juice in AM & the GOLD in the evening.


👉Grab my 5 favorite smoothie recipes so you can start having one healthy, super nutritious meal a day! These are designed to balance your blood sugar and optimize your metabolism.


You got this,

Coach Michele

Disclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of Michele Riechman and her guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only.  Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or advice. 

*Affiliate links are mentioned that I do make a commission from. I am an independent partner with Zinzino.

Michele Riechman

Michele is a mom of 4 and knows the struggle of how easy it is to not take care of yourself. She went from having kids & feeling completely out of shape to being able to do pull-ups at 40 years old with quick workouts. She encourages women to keep their health simple! She has her doctorate in physical therapy and is an online personal trainer & health coach and loves to empower women to take one step forward in their health to create sustainable results.

5 Tips to Overcome Sugar Cravings {Healthy Weight Loss for Women over 40}


10 Foods That Will Sneak Sugar into Your Diet: Ways to Clean Up Your Diet