Inflammatory Foods {Reducing Inflammation Through Diet}

Want to know what are inflammatory foods? And what food can help you to reduce inflammation?

Ever found yourself wondering which foods are the culprits behind inflammation and which ones are the superheroes fighting it off?

If you've been dealing with some pesky inflammation and are keen to discover the secrets of eating your way to a healthier you, you're in the right place.

The first place to start is your diet! Everything we put into our body affects our cells and the function of our body.

Get ready to get a better understanding of how different foods can affect your body which can lead to more inflammation or can have an antiflammatory effect.

Listen to the full episode!

How to Reduce Inflammation in the Body Fast

Today, let's dive into the world of anti-inflammatory foods and their not-so-friendly counterparts. If you want to reduce inflammation quickly you have to look at what you are putting into your body. I want to equip you with the knowledge to make informed choices about what to include in your diet and what to steer clear of, all in the name of feeling better.

But before we jump into the nitty-gritty of food talk, let me drop a quick reminder – it's time to put yourself first. If you've been nodding along, always putting others before yourself, and feeling the burnout creeping in, take a moment. Maybe you've tried taking care of yourself before, dabbled in a few things, but somehow ended up stuck.

If you're craving that extra boost of support and accountability on your wellness journey, I've got your back. How about setting up a free call with me? We'll chat about your goals, unravel the struggles holding you back, and figure out why you're feeling stuck. Together, we can map out a plan to help you move past those obstacles and start saying a big yes to your health. Ready to take that step? Let's chat!

Why Choose Anti Inflammatory Foods

Often we don't pay much attention to what's on our plates, and we're not intentionally choosing foods that kick inflammation to the curb. It's a big deal because a good chunk of the chronic issues we see around, like obesity, prediabetes, diabetes, heart disease, IBS, Crohn's, certain cancers, arthritis, Alzheimer's, and more, all have a common thread – inflammation.

So, why not start thinking about this proactively? Our food choices can play a significant role in either fueling inflammation or putting out the fire. It's like choosing between paying for disease with those not-so-healthy or processed eats that fuel inflammation or investing in our health to prevent these issues altogether.

My mission? To cheer you on and ignite that motivation to take charge of your health. We've got choices – and while we can't control everything, there's a lot within our lifestyle that we have control over. Let's be our health's superhero, shall we?

A lot of my clients initially aren't clued in on what's inflammatory or why it matters. But here's the thing – when they start cleaning up their diet, magic happens. Aches and pains take a backseat, and they start to feel better. No need for a super strict regimen, just a shift to more whole foods and fewer processed ones does wonders.

Omega 6 Foods

Let's chat about omega-6 for a sec – we need a bit, not a boatload. These days, precossed oils have become the go-to because they're wallet-friendly to produce and end up sneaking into all kinds of foods. Take a moment to ponder inflammatory oils – those sneaky culprits like soybean and corn oil, lurking in your salad dressing. They're troublemakers because of their high omega-6 content, as we've been chatting about in recent episodes.

Now, here's the scoop on fried food – it's often bathed in these same inflammatory seed oils. The cooking process? Well, that kicks up the inflammation a notch.

Now, onto refined carbs – think bread and sugars. A lot of those go through a heavy-duty processing makeover. Ever tried reading the label on your bread? It's like decoding a secret language with all those ingredients. My tip: if you're into bread, give the label a peek. Make sure you know what's in there, and even if you do, remember, it's still been through some processing hoops. Think how can you start to reduce these refined carbs?

Learn more: Omega 3 Benefits & Optimal Ratio {& Foods High in Omega 6}

Sugar & Inflammation

Alright, let's chat about sugar – not just your average blood sugar spiker, it's also a ninja in the inflammation game. I've covered sugar in quite a few episodes, but this sweet culprit cranks up the inflammatory process in our body, doing more than just playing with our blood sugar levels.

Now, keep an eye on those condiments. ketchup, and barbecue sauce – they're likely sugar culprits. Personally, I roll with a barbecue sauce that's low on the sugar scale. And yeah, if I were a kitchen wizard, maybe I'd whip up my own. But here's the deal – read those labels, because even seemingly innocent foods like spaghetti sauce can pack a surprising sugar punch. Stay savvy, my friends!

More about sugar: Struggling with Sugar Cravings? [Ditch the Sweets and Stop Stress Eating]

Processed Meats & Inflammation

Now, onto processed meats – your lunch meats, hot dogs, and the gang. Take a closer look at the ingredients; a bunch of these buddies tend to pack nitrates and preservatives. Not our body's favorite pals – they have a way of stirring up inflammation. Red meats can also be on the inflammatory side, so it might be worth peeking at your red meat intake.

Also be aware of trans fat – take a label-checking adventure to see if your goodies have hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils. Spoiler alert: those are inflammation superheroes, and not in a good way. Best to steer clear.

Inflammatory Foods to Avoid: Quick List

        1. Seed oils (soybean oil, corn oil)

        2. Fried foods

        3. Refined carbs (breads, sugars)

        4. Sugar

        5. Processed meats (lunch meats, hot dogs)

        6. Red meats

        7. Trans fats

        8. Condiments with added sugar (ketchup, barbecue sauce, etc.)

How to Reduce Inflammation

Now, let's dive into the world of anti-inflammatory champs! First up on the list – non-starchy vegetables. Forget the carb-loaded players like potatoes or corn; we're talking about the leafy greens and such. Packed with phytochemicals, where "phyto" means plant, these greens have a lot of nutrients that your body will love.

Next in line – fruits. They come in a glycemic index spectrum, ranging from low to high, indicating their impact on your blood sugar. Berries? They're the low-key heroes. On the flip side, bananas and mangoes are high on the glycemic index.

Speaking of blood sugar, especially if you're choosing high glycemic index fruits, it's smart to team them up with a dose of protein or healthy fats. But fruits, in general, are a jackpot of phytonutrients. Those berries, with their vibrant hues, are like a visual feast and a phytochemical bonanza – the good stuff for your body!

Anti-inflammatory Nuts, Seeds, and EVOO

Now, let's talk about the heavyweight contenders in the anti-inflammatory arena – nuts! Think almonds, walnuts, cashews, the whole nutty gang. Quick heads up, though: check those labels. Sometimes, they sneak in some inflammatory seed oils during the roasting process. Opt for the nuts without the added oil – salt's totally cool, though. Label detective mode: on!

Moving on to seeds – sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds – you know the drill. Same deal as with nuts; scan that label and keep an eye out for any unwanted oils.

Here comes another star player – extra virgin olive oil. The key here is quality. You want the good stuff that actually tastes a bit peppery or fruity as you swallow. Not an olive oil expert, but that little tip can clue you in on its quality. Different olives mean different levels of polyphenols, and these little wonders help shield against inflammation. Polyphenols are like the superheroes found in veggies, fruits, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

A quick olive oil bonus round – it's better to keep it unheated. This low-heat oil doesn't fancy high temperatures; things start to break down. So, perfect for a drizzle in a salad dressing or a flavor boost on dishes like cucumbers with tomatoes and basil. Keep it cool, keep it delicious!

Gut Health & Inflammation

Now, let's shift gears and dive into the world of gut-friendly goodness. Fiber and fermented foods are like the superheroes that swoop in to help our bodies dial down inflammation, especially since a lot of the action starts in our gut. Where do we find this fabulous fiber? Well, pretty much all the fantastic foods we've been talking about.

And speaking of fermented wonders – say hello to kombucha, kimchi, and yogurt. Quick tip: aim for a yogurt that's not packing sugar and other additives. These fermented delights can be a fantastic source of gut-loving goodness. Time to let your gut do a happy dance!

Does Fish Oil Help With Inflammation?

Let's talk about a powerhouse of anti-inflammatory goodness – fish. As we've been cruising through the omega-3 talk, fish takes the spotlight because it's loaded with this fantastic fatty acid. Fun fact: fish is our exclusive source for a couple of omega-3 components. Did you know DHA and EPA you can only get from marine sources?

Here's a neat tidbit – the DHA and EPA levels, these essential fatty acids, vary across different seafood. For instance, in a 3-ounce serving of wild-caught salmon, you get a combined 1.57 grams of DHA and EPA. Switch it up to canned salmon, and you're looking at 0.91 grams – a tad less. Now, my seafood favorite, shrimp, packs in 0.24 grams, considerably lower than the salmon. So, when you're on the omega-3 hunt, keep an eye on the specific fish you're munching on, because the levels can vary big time.

Learn more about fish oil benefits: The Benefits of Fish Oil & How to Choose a Good Supplement

Hear Heather’s story about what she was missing nutritionally.

How to Get More Omega 3 (Fish Oil Supplement)

If fish isn't making its way to your plate enough to boost those omega-3 levels, I'm all for the supplement route – and chances are, most of us could use it. 97% of the population worldwide is not getting enough. Personally, I've been on the low side, so I rely on a fish oil supplement with added polyphenols to keep my levels healthy

Quick side note: I've noticed that some folks trying to boost their levels with other oils might be falling short. Why? Well, sometimes your body doesn't quite absorb them, especially if those oils have oxidized. The fish go through a process to get rid of toxins and if not done correctly that can cause them the oxidize faster.

That's where the magic of polyphenols comes in – protecting and aiding absorption. Don't just take my word for it, get those levels tested. You can even do it from the comfort of your home. Taking control of your health? It starts right here, right now – a simple move with a big impact on taming inflammation in your body. You've got this!

How to Take Fish Oil

Quick tips for the oil supplementing – here's a nifty trick I stumbled upon. Grab those little medicine cups, the ones you'd find in the medicine aisle. You can snag them on Amazon. Fill it up with some water, pour in your fish oil in the correct dosage, and take your shot. It's a great way to dilute the oily taste.

Oh, and a bonus reminder – always pair your fish oil with a meal. It's a fat-soluble buddy, and teaming it up with other foods ensures you get the best bang for your absorption buck.

Managing Stress to Reduce Inflammation

Alright, let's not forget about the stress-busting mission when we're talking about dialing down inflammation. Stress can be a real troublemaker for our system, so it's essential to find ways to ease it. Think yoga, meditation, deep breathing – whatever floats your stress-relief boat.

For me, it's carving out moments for prayer, usually in the morning and at night. Journaling is another go-to, alongside deep breathing exercises. I make sure to give myself the time to untangle any knots in my mind. Ever tried EFT or tapping? It's a nifty tool I use to navigate through emotions or tricky situations where I feel a bit stuck.

And, of course, there's my love for yoga – in case you didn't know, I'm a yoga teacher. Moving my body, taking those deep breaths, and planting positive thoughts in my mind – it's my ultimate stress-relief combo. In fact, I recently whipped up a personalized yoga workout for one of my clients. She wanted a Christian yoga session, so I infused it with scriptures she cherished. This special workout is her go-to when stress is knocking at her door, and she needs to steer clear of emotional and mindless eating. Stress, you're no match for our relaxation arsenal!

Mentioned in this episode:

👉 Free health check up: Empower yourself to take control of your health. Let's chat and figure out how you can prioritize your health!


👉 My Favorite Fish Oil & Omega Test: Finding the perfect balance of omegas is key for healthy cells and reducing inflammation. Learn how to find out your ratio and check out my favorite supplement!


👉 Healthy Beyond 40 Facebook Group: Connect, Stay Accountable, and Explore Exciting Challenges and Yoga Classes:


My Favorite Energy Boost:

👉 Save 20% on Organifi with the affiliate code HEALTHY20 and 35% when you set up a subscription. 

My favorites are the green juice in AM & the GOLD in the evening.


👉Grab my 5 favorite smoothie recipes so you can start having one healthy, super nutritious meal a day! These are designed to balance your blood sugar and optimize your metabolism.


Work with me:

👉 Online Personal Training for Women over 40


👉 Online Personal Training + Health Coaching: Get my full support through my Wellness Breakthrough Program so you can get in shape, lose weight, and keep it off!


👉 Healthy for Life Membership

This membership is great for those who are looking for a budget-friendly way to get a great workout in, help with their nutrition, and do not need 1-1 support.


You got this,

Coach Michele

Disclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of Michele Riechman and her guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only.  Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or advice. 

*Affiliate links are mentioned that I do make a commission from. I am an independent Zinzino partner.

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Michele Riechman

Michele is a mom of 4 and knows the struggle of how easy it is to not take care of yourself. She went from having kids & feeling completely out of shape to being able to do pull-ups at 40 years old with quick workouts. She encourages women to keep their health simple! She has her doctorate in physical therapy and is an online personal trainer & health coach and loves to empower women to take one step forward in their health to create sustainable results.

Beat the Belly Bloat and Weight Gain {During the Holidays}


Omega 3 Benefits & Optimal Ratio {& Foods High in Omega 6}