The 5 Types of Eating {The Missing Link in Dieting}

Today I'm gonna be breaking down five different types of eating that may be holding you back from successfully losing weight.

Do you struggle with going overboard at parties? Do you sometimes eat mindlessly and you just eat because you're bored? Do you reach for food for comfort when you're stressed out, or feeling anxious? Do you just eat whatever is easy and convenient?

Tune in as I go over these 5 types of eating:

  • Nourishment & Fuel

  • Celebration

  • Mindless 

  • Stress/Emotional

  • Easy/Convenience 

Why Diets Don’t Work

Today, we're diving into the world of eating habits, something we can all relate to. Do you find yourself going all out at parties, losing track of just how much you've indulged? Or perhaps you turn to food for comfort when stress comes knocking? Maybe you're simply drawn to what's convenient.

Let's unravel these eating patterns, so you can gain a deeper understanding of your relationship with food. It's no secret that diets often lead to temporary results and repeated failures. By exploring these various types of eating, you'll discover insights that could be the key to your lasting success.

Remember, sustainable change comes from addressing the root causes of our behaviors. While diets may promise a quick fix, tackling stress eating requires a holistic approach that encompasses understanding your triggers and developing healthier coping mechanisms. By cultivating self-awareness and implementing healthier habits, you can find long-lasting freedom from stress eating and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Eating for Fuel & Intuitive Eating

Let's dive into the first type of eating, which I like to call "eating for nourishment and fuel." This is the fundamental purpose that food serves, as intended by nature itself – to nourish our bodies and provide us with the fuel we need to thrive.

When we consume food, we're not just satisfying hunger; we're also extracting essential nutrients that our bodies crave. These nutrients are the building blocks of energy, empowering our bodies to function optimally. Ideally, this form of eating should constitute most of our diet, roughly around ninety to ninety-five percent.

This style of eating revolves around choosing whole foods that leave our bodies feeling vibrant and satisfied. Think of foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, and single-ingredient staples like rice. Here's where superfoods come into play – they amplify the nourishing effect. Take, for instance, Organifi's Green Juice. It's a powerhouse blend of superfoods, featuring ashwagandha, a fantastic adaptogen herb that supports cortisol balance, helping to manage stress.

Spirulina, another component, steps in with anti-inflammatory properties and an energy boost. Chlorella, yet another superfood, aids in detoxifying the body. I often kickstart my mornings with a refreshing glass of this green juice, sometimes adding a squeeze of lemon for an extra zest of nourishment. If you're interested, you can snag a sweet 20% discount by using the code "healthy20" – check out the link below.

It's all about embracing the natural essence of food and its incredible potential to fuel and heal our bodies.

Social Eating {Celebration Eating}

When it comes to social eating, one particular type that often comes to mind is celebration eating. Whether it's a birthday party, a holiday gathering, or any other occasion worth rejoicing, food tends to take center stage. It's important, however, to reflect on our own habits and consider the frequency at which we indulge in celebratory feasting.

In our fast-paced lives, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of over-celebrating. We often use any excuse to justify excessive consumption. Perhaps we had a tough week or a challenging day, and suddenly the desire to treat ourselves spirals into a constant habit of overindulging.

Moreover, portion sizes play a significant role in celebration eating. Instead of savoring a small decadent treat, we find ourselves reaching for second helpings without restraint. The initial intention of delighting in something delicious slowly morphs into a pattern of mindlessly going overboard.

A client of mine has been actively working on changing her mindset surrounding celebration eating. Together, we have cultivated an intentional approach to enjoying sweets and festivities. By instilling the habit of being aware and in control, she has discovered a healthier relationship with food during moments of celebration. This conscious choice has allowed her to truly savor and appreciate each indulgence.

It's crucial to reflect on what we are celebrating and how often we find ourselves caught up in the cycle of over-celebrating with food. By being mindful and purposeful in our choices, we can avoid falling into the trap of excessive eating during joyful moments.

Mindless Eating

One type of eating behavior that often goes unnoticed and can have negative effects on our overall health is mindless eating. Have you ever found yourself reaching for snacks when you're bored, without really realizing what you're doing? It's almost as if eating becomes a mindless habit, something to do in the moment without much thought.

This kind of eating pattern can sometimes be linked to the "clean your plate club," a term used to describe those who grew up in families where finishing your plate was expected. Over time, this expectation can turn into a mindless habit, where you simply feel compelled to finish whatever is on your plate without considering your true hunger or fullness levels.

Take a moment to reflect on whether you find yourself engaging in this behavior. Do you notice yourself feeling bored and turning to food as a source of entertainment? It's important to recognize that this kind of eating may not be driven by stress or genuine hunger, but rather as a mindless activity to fill time.

When mindlessly eating, it can be challenging to pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Do you find yourself eating when you don't feel hungry? Or perhaps you're snacking throughout the day without even realizing it. Being aware of these patterns and how they impact your relationship with food is crucial.

Instead of mindlessly eating out of boredom, try focusing on mindful eating. Pay attention to your body's hunger signals and make conscious decisions about when and what to eat. By developing this awareness, you can establish a healthier and more balanced approach to food that honors your body's needs.

Remember, it's essential to nourish your body when it truly needs fuel, rather than using food as a mindless distraction. By breaking free from mindless eating habits, you can regain control over your relationship with food and make choices that align with your overall well-being.

Emotional Eating

Let's delve into the world of stress and emotional eating, a type of eating that packs a real punch. It's when your emotions take the wheel, leading you to reach for food in response to feelings like anxiety, anger, or frustration. Picture this: you've had an impossibly tough week, and you find yourself standing in the grocery store, eyeing that bag of donuts like it's your saving grace because, honestly, the week has just been too much.

Recently, I had a conversation with someone who was battling intense sugar cravings that felt almost addictive. Her daily life seemed like a rollercoaster ride, where sugar was the go-to escape route. Whether she was tired, bored, stressed, or happy, sugar was her constant companion, often all in a single day. It had spiraled into a relentless cycle.

So, what's happening here? When it comes to stress and emotional eating, we're often trying to dodge uncomfortable emotions. Eating that cookie or having that scoop of ice cream promises a fleeting dopamine rush, a momentary reprieve from emotional turmoil. It's a way of momentarily feeling better when faced with anxiety or stress.

But here's the twist: we're not truly dealing with these emotions or addressing what's really going on inside. This journey isn't about quick fixes or easy hacks. It's about delving into our past, understanding our emotional patterns, and creating new mental pathways.

In my role as a health coach, I often find myself taking on the role of a life coach too. We tackle practical aspects like meal planning and breakfast choices, but we also dedicate ample time to untangling emotional stories and habits that shape our health decisions.

If you're feeling trapped in any of these eating patterns, remember, the key is to dig deep, not chase superficial solutions. It's about forging lasting change that will truly stick.

Convenience Food Eating

Convenience food eating, or opting for easy meals instead of healthy ones, is a common habit for many busy individuals. The allure of grabbing a granola bar, going for a prepackaged meal, or throwing together a quick sandwich is hard to resist when time is scarce and convenience takes precedence.

Some people simply dislike cooking altogether, which further fuels their dependency on convenient options. It's easy to let convenience dominate our lives, but often, we haven't explored simple ways to incorporate healthier choices into our busy routines. While it may require a bit of effort and time to learn new ways of eating or preparing meals, there are plenty of healthy options that are both quick and easy.

Admittedly, adopting a new eating pattern or learning new recipes can initially feel challenging. However, once you become familiar with these new foods and recipes and have a clear plan of what to buy from the grocery store, it becomes a seamless part of your routine. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't have to be complicated.

As someone who values efficiency in the kitchen, I understand the importance of simplicity. I have built a vast repertoire of easy-to-cook meals and quick snacks that offer both convenience and nutrition. It's about finding a balance between saving time and fueling your body with nourishing foods.

By taking the time to explore healthier alternatives and discovering quick and simple recipes, you can break free from the cycle of relying on convenience foods. With a little effort and experimentation, you'll find that eating healthily and conveniently can go hand in hand. So why not embark on this journey towards a more balanced and sustainable way of eating? There's a world of delicious possibilities waiting for you!

Eating Healthy & Breaking Old Patterns

When it comes to our eating habits, there are five distinct categories that we should be aware of. The first is nourishment or fuel, where our primary focus should be. This involves eating for what our body truly needs, listening to our body's signals to eat, and recognizing when we're satisfied.

The second category is celebration eating, which often occurs during special occasions, parties, or holidays. However, we need to be cautious not to overindulge during these times. The third category is mindless eating, where we eat out of boredom or habit, without really thinking about it.

Next, we have stress or emotional eating, which involves turning to food for comfort when we're feeling overwhelmed. This behavior may stem from childhood patterns or learned coping mechanisms. Lastly, there is easy or convenient eating, where we opt for quick and accessible food options due to time constraints.

It's important to reflect on these eating categories and identify which ones we spend more time in than we would like. By creating space and taking the time to work through these patterns, we can develop healthier eating habits.

Mentioned in this episode:

👉 Get your free health check-up today.  Are you stuck in a certain type of eating that keeps coming up? Let's chat about it!

👉 Discover more about the Wellness Breakthrough Program for women over 40 who are looking to lose weight for good & get in shape:


👉 Save 20% on Organifi with the affiliate code HEALTHY20 and 35% when you set up a subscription.  My favorites are the green juice in AM & gold in the PM


👉 Join the Healthy Beyond 40 Facebook Group: Connect, Stay Accountable, and Explore Exciting Challenges and Yoga Classes:


My Favorites:

👉 Free online yoga classes. Download the Insight Timer App, and join me for a live class! 


👉Grab my 5 favorite smoothie recipes so you can start having one healthy, super nutritious meal a day! These are designed to balance your blood sugar and optimize your metabolism.


👉 My Favorite Fish Oil & Omega Test: Finding the perfect balance of omegas is key for healthy cells and reducing inflammation. Learn how to find out your ratio and check out my favorite supplement!


You got this,

Coach Michele

Disclaimer: This podcast and website represent the opinions of Michele Riechman and her guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only.  Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions or advice. 

*Affiliate links are mentioned that I do make a commission from. 



Michele Riechman

Michele is a mom of 4 and knows the struggle of how easy it is to not take care of yourself. She went from having kids & feeling completely out of shape to being able to do pull-ups at 40 years old with quick workouts. She encourages women to keep their health simple! She has her doctorate in physical therapy and is an online personal trainer & health coach and loves to empower women to take one step forward in their health to create sustainable results.

At-home Workouts for Beginners {No Equipment}


Benefits of Yoga for Women over 40 {Beginner Friendly Yoga)